Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fish Out of Water

I attended a service at a Pentecostal Church with a friend and her family.

I was raised Catholic and had no idea what to expect at a church of another religion.

It was a Sunday evening and we walked into the huge church, full of people.

The church had a larger altar and there were more people on the altar than I was used to in a Catholic church.

We sat in the back because my friend knew I was reluctant on being there and wanted to observe what was going on.

She told me that people can be very physical and hug you throughout the service and it was better for us to stay in the back so I didn’t feel obligated.

The room was full of young adults, adults, and elderly folks.

There were no kids and it was because the kids go to a separate youth group type class while the older crowd attended the larger service.

Almost everyone was bent over with his or her heads down, repeating what the pastor was saying.

The people were very active in participating in the service, saying the prayers out loud, hands in the air, and they have live music which made the people get even more into the service.

We stood in back and I just watched all the people as they made their way up to the altar and crying while either sitting or lying on the steps.

There were some people who had a number of people surround them and lay their hands on them, which was usually a healing prayer.

The women wore no make up, had long hair, and were wearing long skirts and the men dressed in dress pants and button down shirts.

This church service was so different than what I was used to at a Catholic church.

Catholic masses are very structured and organized and at the Pentecostal service it was very open.

Towards the end of the service I became more comfortable but I still not understand the craziness that was going on at the altar and when people would give healing prayers to one another.

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